University admission essays
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Compare and Contrast of Hector and Achilles Free Essays
Alternative B : Compare and differentiation the characters of Hector and Achilles. I decide to thoroughly analyze the characters of Hector and Achilles since I am keen on their story. I think there are many topic in this story, yet the focal topic is the destiny of men; on the off chance that it is ? xed or changed by the desire of men. We will compose a custom paper test on Thoroughly analyze of Hector and Achilles or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now I feel intriguing that the divine beings chooses the destiny of individuals. Also, I pick this alternative since I feel that I can comprehend what the writer needs to communicate to the perusers by contrasting Hector and Achilles. In this way, I will analyze the qualities and the shortcoming of both legends. As a matter of first importance, I will expound on Hector. He was a Trojan ruler and the best ? ghter for Troy in the Trojan War. He was conceived as a child of King Priam and Queen Hecuba. His dad was the ruler of Troy. He had a spouse called Andromache and the child, Astyanax. In the European Middle Ages, Hector was one of the Nine Worthies. Also, he was a decent child, spouse and father. The greater part of all, he cherished the harmony. He cherished his nation, his kin, his family and needed to kick the bucket with respect. At the point when he understood that Jove and his child Apollo are not with him for the insurance any longer against Achilles, he says to himself â€Å" My fate has happened upon me; let me not them kick the bucket shamefully and without a battle, however let me ? rst do some extraordinary thing that will be told among men from this point forward. †. The divine beings chose not to ensure him. That was the motivation behind why Hector lost, yet he needed to ? ght against the solid Achilles. In this way, I think Hector was the genuine fighter. I need to expound on Achilles now. He was a legend and most noteworthy warrior for Greek in the Trojan War. He was the child of the goddess Thetis and Peleus, the lord of the Myrmidons. Achilles was a human individual despite the fact that he was the child of a goddess. What's more, he had the extraordinary pride that he was the most grounded trooper, and he would not like to be under anyone. At the point when the Agamemnon shamed him, Achilles asked his goddess mother to go to Jove, at that point to request that Jove help Troy, with the goal that Agamemnon would be in a difficult situation. Consequently, Achilles didn't consider his nation and his kin. He just consider himself. So I think Achilles isn't the individual to be the lord. Presently I need to thoroughly analyze their quality and the shortcoming. Initially, I need to expound on Hector’s quality. He was bold and gallant. He was the man who considered his family, adored his family and thought his nation and individuals. He needed to bite the dust with respect. He went to Paris since he didn't remain to hear awful things about Paris and stated, â€Å"you ? ght valiantly, and no man with any equity can downplay your doings in fight. Be that as it may, you are imprudent and stubbornly delinquent. It laments me to the heart to hear the evil that the Trojans talk about you, for they have endured much for you. Leave us alone going, and we will make things right henceforth, should Jove vouchsafe us to set the cup of our redemption before ever-living divine forces of paradise in our own homes, when we have pursued the Achaeans from Troy. †From this discussion, you can see that Hector contemplates his sibling, considers the individuals of Troy, and is eager to push his sibling to ? ght with respect. At the point when he battled with Achilles, Hector got away to ? ght him ? rst in light of the fact that he feared Achilles. In any case, when he understood that the divine beings were not with him to ? ht Achilles, he chose to ? ght with respect until he kicked the bucket. In this manner, I think one about his quality is his bold heart. Be that as it may, Paris didn't have the bold heart. Next, I need to expound on Achilles’s quality. I figure Achilles didn't have numerous quality. I think the physical force from his goddess mother was the main quality he had. Indeed, even the lord Agamemnon dreaded his quality. Hector was the best trooper in Troy, however even that most prominent warrior flee from Achilles when Hector was remaining before the door of Troy. It says â€Å" Fear fell upon Hector as he viewed him, and he challenged not remain longer where he was however ? ed with apprehension from before the entryways, which Achilles shot after him at his most extreme speed. †. At that point when Hector ? nally chose to ? ght with Achilles, Achilles executed him without any problem. In this way, I think Achilles was the most grounded worrier on earth. Next, I need to expound on Hector’s shortcoming. I couldn't ? nd numerous shortcoming of Hector, be that as it may, the main shortcoming I could ? nd was that Hector didn't have the foggiest idea how solid he was. He believed that he could ? ht with Achilles, however when he met Achilles, he flee. He flee in light of the fact that he ? nally understood that he was not as solid as Achilles when he met the adversary at the door. I think it is past the point of no return for him to understood that. As a result of this shortcoming, he passed on. Along these lines, Hector didn't have numerous shortcoming, yet the main shortcoming he had annihilated him. Next is the shortcoming of Achilles. I think Achilles had numerous shortcoming despite the fact that he was the best warrior on earth. I think Achilles was solid truly, however he was frail intellectually. At the point when Agamemnon took Briseis from Achilles, Achilles went to the ocean and appealed to his mom, for example, â€Å" Mother, you bore me bound to live however for a little season; without a doubt Jove, who roars from Olympus, may have made that little magnificent. It isn't so. Agamemnon, child of Atreus, has done me disrespect, and has denied me of my prize forcibly. †. He cried when he was stating it. This dislike the best warrior, but instead a little child’s doing. He got a kick out of the chance to ? ght and gotten a kick out of the chance to slaughter individuals. He was truly adept at murdering individuals, however he didn't have any regard to his lord, his nation and his kin. At the point when he murdered Hector, he accomplished something entirely shameful. Achilles rewarded the assortment of Hector with contumely. He penetrated the ligaments at the rear of the two his feet from impact point to ancle and passed straps of bull cover up through the cuts he had made. He made the body quick to his chariot, letting the head trail upon the ground. At that point Achilles lashed his pony on, and the residue rose from Hector as he was being hauled along. In this way was the head of Hector being disrespected in the residue. This isn't something what the best warrior does. Again Achilles turned out to be enthusiastic to such an extent that he acted like a kid. Consequently, I imagine that Achilles isn't an individual to be an extraordinary lord. On the off chance that he becomes to be a lord, his nation and individuals will be annihilated. I would prefer not to live in his nation. I think he has the extraordinary character. He was a supermen truly, yet he was a little child intellectually. As the finish of the examination among Hector and Achilles, Hector is more brave than Achilles. I believe that the saint is an individual who think about his nation and his kin. Subsequent to looking at the characters of Hector and Achilles, the individual who thinks about his nation and his kin is Hector. Hector consistently considers his nation, his kin and his family. He cherishes his dad, his mom, his siblings, his significant other and his kid. At the point when Hector kicked the bucket, Paris’s spouse, Helen, cried and stated, â€Å" I have never heard single word of affront or cruelty from you. †. Helen was the individual who was the reason for this war. I think it is dif? religion to be caring to Helen, yet Hector was pleasant to her. That implies Hector’s heart was so profound. What's more, I figure Hector will be the best ruler. I love to live in his nation. Step by step instructions to refer to Compare and Contrast of Hector and Achilles, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Game Theory Essay Example for Free
Game Theory Essay Game hypothesis happens to be a part of applied arithmetic which is utilized in sociology. Its principle objective is to catch practices however for this situation numerically in key circumstances where the accomplishment of a person in decision settling on is to a great extent subject to the decisions that are made by others. This is the base or the fundamental subject that underlies in the game hypothesis. This is a similar topic that should be enunciated in this article. The creator overlooks the way that game hypothesis come in various kinds and just communicates one sort of game hypothesis explicitly lose-lose and non lose-lose situation hypothesis. He focuses just on this sort of game hypothesis leaves the peruser with practically zero data concerning different kinds of game hypothesis. (Mill operator, 2003) However, in the article, the writer just focuses on just a single part of game hypothesis and feels free to offer arrangements or proposals to that one perspective that he manages. Game hypothesis has felt free to remember different viewpoints for the line of business other than the opposition. This opposition was uniquely of one individual dependent on the cost of the other individual which was usually alluded to as lose-lose situations. These happen to be the main issue that is secured here by the writer of this article. I can subsequently say that this article neglects to introduce all the viewpoints which are included or which matters most definitely. I can in this manner express that there is something else entirely to game hypothesis and that the suggestions proposed may not be that compelling regardless of whether executed. A portion of the suggestions may thusly be said to digress from the center subject that is being talked about. (Barnett, 1995) However this doesn't imply that the article is invalid and void. The writer in the article gives a generally excellent case of the fundamental idea and the importance of game hypothesis. By utilization of the case of the two individuals in the article, the writer paints out an away from of the rule of game hypothesis and what is included. It is clear to see even to an individual who doesn't have a thought of what game hypothesis is. Further, the creator gives proposals or rather rules of what to do with the goal that one may rise effectively in any business that the individual in question might be directing. (Barnett, 1995) The creator might be said to completely deliver the issue to the game hypothesis on the setting that he is seeing structure; that of rivalry. Furthermore, not at all like in different situations where the suggestions that are set are typically unfeasible, here the creator sets the proposals that are functional, in actuality, and which in the event that they are executed adequately will enable the two associations to prevail in their sole target of expanding their deals or rather benefits. (Mill operator, 2003) The writer additionally acclimated the peruser with all the variables that possibly of embodiment incase one is engaged with the business and encountering these kinds of issues. He covers a bigger region other than just the game hypothesis gives suggestions which in the event that they are executed, they result to usage of the proposals of game hypothesis. Taking everything into account, despite the fact that the creator neglects to manage different sorts of game speculations, he has totally examined this kind of game hypothesis giving all the proposals required which would even be relevant to the next game speculations in the event that they are executed as coordinated. ? References Barnett, F. (1995). Making Game Theory Work in Practice. Money Street Journal , A14. Mill operator, J. (2003). Game Theory at Work. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishers.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Maker Faire 2011
Maker Faire 2011 On Friday I flew out to California to visit my friend Greg. Greg is one of my hometown crew from back in NH, but he now lives out in the bay area, where he works at a pretty awesome solar energy startup called Cool Earth Solar. Ive been out to Palo Alto / San Mateo in the past, but never had the opportunity to visit Greg, so this past weekend was my opportunity to do so. Greg is one of the most talented makers Ive ever met. He used to build terrific things back in high school incredibly elegant trebuchets, a handmade wooden kayak, little robotic wooden men. He continued this in college while pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering. Greg, like our own Chris M and Snively, is someone who is really fantastically creative, and whose creative energies often erupt into the physical world in the form of awesome things. Even though Im not myself an engineer, I always love being around people who love to create. So you can imagine my delight when a few weeks ago Greg called excitedly to tell me that my visit which I had planned a long time ago coincided with Maker Faire 2011. Maker Faire is run by Make Magazine, and its basically an enormous fair / convention / carnival / celebration of creativity. Thousands of people come to see hundreds of booths, exhibits, demonstrations, and installations. There are big companies like GE and Google showing off their solar carousels or Android arduino robots; there are random inventors showing off their steampunk bicycles or home-fired ceramics. So Greg and I went to Maker Faire, along with another friend from back home Eric, who is the lead developer at WePay. And here are just a few pictures / videos we took of all the awesome stuff at Maker Faire: At the entrance LEGO had this JEEPmade of LEGOS And, nearby, a seesaw water-pump was running: Then, while we were walking around, we were almost run over by the firebug bicycle menace: As we dashed away from the firebug, some cupcake cars rolled by: And we ran into the waiting arms of an enormous, people-powered death bird: Nearby, a man in a lab coat was melting blocks of solid iron with thermite: Lots of folks at Maker Faire love bicycles. There were handmade cruiser bikes: Elaborate solar bikes which went 35 MPH (much to the delight of the tiny boy who was recruiting rides): And rock concerts powered by bikes and guitar shovels: Speaking of guitars, there were some folks there who had made a bunch of their own designs and then milled them out of wood, and who were open sourcing their designs to get feedback from the web. Greg snapped a picture of me playing some As Tall As Lions on one: Also inside the main expo hall were some star wars fans: An Android/arduino hug robot: An animatronic, life-size giraffe: And, closing out the show, Arc Attack: There were also terrific talks, including an amazing, mind-blowing one by MIT Professor Neil Gershenfeld. I was told that they will be up in the next few days on Fora.TV, and you should make sure to go watch his. Maker Faire was freakin awesome. Im deeply jealous of those in the bay area who dont have to fly across the country to see it. That said, theres one in New York in September, and I think Greg is going to come join me for the east coast version. Making things owns!!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The History of Income Tax in the U.S.
Every year, people in the United States frantically race to get their taxes done by mid-April. While shuffling papers, filling out forms, and calculating numbers, have you ever stopped to wonder where and how the concept of income taxes originated? The idea of a personal income tax is a modern invention, with the first, permanent U.S. income tax law in October 1913. However, the general concept of taxation is an age-old idea that has long shaped history. Ancient Times The first, known, written record of taxes dates back to ancient Egypt. At that time, taxes were not given in the form of money, but rather as items such as grain, livestock, or oils. Taxes were such an important part of ancient Egyptian life that many of the surviving hieroglyphic tablets are about taxes. Although many of these tablets are records of how much people paid, some describe people complaining about their high taxes. And no wonder people complained! The taxes were often so high, that at least on one surviving hieroglyphic tablet, tax collectors are depicted punishing peasants for not having paid their taxes on time. Egyptians were not the only ancient people to hate tax collectors. Ancient Sumerians had a proverb, You can have a lord, you can have a king, but the man to fear is the tax collector! Resistance to Taxation Nearly as old as the history of taxes - and the hatred of tax collectors - is resistance to unfair taxes. For instance, when Queen Boadicea of the British Isles decided to defy the Romans in 60 CE, it was in large part because of the brutal taxation policy placed upon her people. The Romans, in an attempt to subdue Queen Boadicea, publicly flogged the queen and raped her two daughters. To the great surprise of the Romans, Queen Boadicea was anything but subdued by this treatment. She retaliated by leading her people in an all-out, bloody revolt, eventually killing approximately 70,000 Romans. A much less gory example of resistance to taxes is the story of Lady Godiva. Although many may remember that in the legend, Lady Godiva of the 11th century rode through the town of Coventry naked, most probably do not remember that she did so to protest her husbands harsh taxes on the people. Perhaps the most famous historical incident that relates to the resistance to taxes was the Boston Tea Party in Colonial America. In 1773, a group of colonists, dressed as Native Americans, boarded three English ships moored in Boston Harbor. These colonists then spent hours smashing the ships cargo, wooden chests filled with tea and then throwing the damaged boxes over the side of the ships. American colonists had been heavily taxed for over a decade with such legislation from Great Britain as the Stamp Act of 1765 (which added taxes to newspapers, permits, playing cards, and legal documents) and the Townsend Act of 1767 (which added taxes to paper, paint, and tea). The colonists threw the tea over the side of the ships to protest what they saw as the very unfair practice of taxation without representation. Taxation, one might argue, was one of the major injustices that led directly to the American War for Independence. Thus, the leaders of the newly created United States had to be very careful as to how and exactly what they taxed. Alexander Hamilton, the new U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, needed to find a way to collect money to lower the national debt, created by the American Revolution. In 1791, Hamilton, balancing the need of the federal government to collect money and the sensitivity of the American people, decided to create a sin tax, a tax placed on an item society feels is a vice. The item chosen for the tax was distilled spirits. Unfortunately, the tax was seen as unfair by those on the frontier who distilled more alcohol, especially whiskey, than their eastern counterparts. Along the frontier, isolated protests eventually led to an armed revolt, known as the Whiskey Rebellion. Revenue for War Alexander Hamilton was not the first man in history with the dilemma of how to raise money to pay for a war. The need for a government to be able to pay for troops and supplies in wartime had been a major reason for ancient Egyptians, Romans, medieval kings, and governments around the world to increase taxes or to create new ones. Although these governments had often been creative in their new taxes, the concept of an income tax had to wait for the modern era. Income taxes (requiring individuals to pay a percentage of their income to the government, often on a graduated scale) required the ability to retain extremely detailed records. Throughout most of history, keeping track of individual records would have been a logistical impossibility. Thus, the implementation of an income tax was not found until 1799 in Great Britain. The new tax, viewed as a temporary one, was needed to help the British raise money to fight the French forces led by Napoleon. The U.S. government faced a similar dilemma during the War of 1812. Based on the British model, the U.S. government considered raising money for the war through an income tax. However, the war ended before the income tax was officially enacted. The idea of creating an income tax resurfaced during the American Civil War. Again considered a temporary tax to raise money for a war, Congress passed the Revenue Act of 1861 which instituted an income tax. However, there were so many problems with the details of the income tax law that income taxes were not collected until the law was revised the following year in the Tax Act of 1862. In addition to adding taxes on feathers, gunpowder, billiard tables, and leather, the Tax Act of 1862 specified that the income tax would require those that earned up to $10,000 to pay the government three percent of their income while those that made over $10,000 would pay five percent. Also notable was the inclusion of a $600 standard deductible. The income tax law was amended several times over the next few years and eventually fully repealed in 1872. Beginnings of a Permanent Income Tax In the 1890s, the U.S. federal government was beginning to rethink its general taxation plan. Historically, most of its revenue had been from taxing imported and exported goods as well as taxes on the sale of specific products. Realizing that these taxes were increasingly bearing on only a select portion of the population, mostly the less affluent, the U.S. federal government began looking for a more even way to distribute the tax burden. Thinking that a graduated-scale income tax placed upon all citizens of the United States would be a fair way to collect taxes, the federal government attempted to enact a country-wide income tax in 1894. However, because at that time all federal taxes had to be based on state population, the income tax law was found unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1895. To create a permanent income tax, the Constitution of the United States needed to be changed. In 1913, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified. This amendment eliminated the need to base federal taxes on state population by stating: The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration. In October of 1913, the same year the 16th Amendment was ratified, the federal government enacted its first permanent income tax law. Also in 1913, the first Form 1040 was created. Today, the IRS collects more than $1.2 billion in taxes and processes more than 133 million returns annually.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Stress And Academic Achievement Between Blue Ribbon...
Stress and Perfectionism in Academic Achievement Between Blue Ribbon Schools vs. Non-blue Ribbon Schools Erin Altenberger Northern Kentucky University Abstract Stress and Perfectionism in Academic Achievement Between Blue Ribbon Schools vs. Non-blue Ribbon Schools Damian, Stoeber, Negru, and Baban (2014), describes perfectionism as endeavoring for flawlessness and setting extremely high standards for oneself. There is not just one type of perfectionism; there are in fact three different categories of perfectionism. The three categories included self-oriented, other-oriented, and socially prescribed perfectionism. Self-oriented perfectionism refers to an individual that sets and seeks high standards of performance for themselves (Chang, 2006). Chang (2006) describes other-oriented perfectionism as an individual that assumes that others should be perfect in their actions. Socially prescribed perfectionism refers to an individual that believes that those around them anticipate perfectionism from him or her (Chang, 2006). With what we know about perfectionism and the potential distress it may cause, one can consider that stress could be a com ponent with perfectionism. Pope (2005) portrays stress as the perceived shortcomings between demands and the accessibility of resources to meet those demands. Stress is a feeling that affects people of all ages. Stress impacts people in a large array of ways, which include emotionally, physically, and mentally (Rollin,Show MoreRelatedFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesYOU KNOW?: Employment Branding 136 DIVERSITY ISSUES IN HRM: Job Advertisements and EEO 137 Recruiting Sources 137 The Internal Search 137 Employee Referrals and Recommendations 138 External Searches 139 Advertisements 139 Employment Agencies 140 Schools, Colleges, and Universities 142 Job Fairs 143 Professional Organizations 143 Unsolicited Applicants 143 Preemployment Testing 160 Performance Simulation Tests 160 Work Sampling 160 Assessment Centers 160 Testing in a Global Arena 160 DID YOURead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pages......................................................................................... 265 Genetic Fallacy.................................................................................................................................... 266 Non Sequitur....................................................................................................................................... 267 Review of Major Points ............................................................................Read MoreBrand Building Blocks96400 Words  | 386 Pagescomplexity, but also make it much harder to gain and hold a position. They leave fewer holes in the market to exploit and fewer implementation vehicles to own. Each brand tends to be positioned more narrowly, the target markets become smaller, and the non-target market becomes larger. Efforts to market to a broad segment thus become more difficult in the face of the complex ‘brandscape’ Further, some new or desperate competitors may be motivated to take risks or attempt unusual approaches. The result
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on The Impact of Cloud Computing Free Essays
Impact of Cloud Computing Technologies in small scale enterprises the strategic and technological benefits it derive out of it. Cloud computing has been a disruptive innovation in recent years and has taken the headlines to displace many of the established traditional computational methodologies in a short period of time. The utility model of computing which makes the information technology services similar to electricity and water has invoked the focus and attention of the researchers and practitioners. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on The Impact of Cloud Computing or any similar topic only for you Order Now This article will investigate the technical aspects of cloud computing and the strategic and competitive advantage that it brings to a firm in startup and small/medium scale enterprise. Although many have criticized this techno-business model due to the concerns on security, privacy and governance, recent events prove that more entrants, including the existing corporate leaders in the industry, are getting into the cloud and making their presence felt to the end customers. Cloud computing has proved to be a disruptive innovation on its own in recent years, it is yet to clear the test of time of it being a sustaining technology. It is up to the scholars and practitioners to determine and put into test of time and make use of this technology in the growth of other disciplines. Introduction Cloud computing is the mode of executing the IT services in an elastic manner to the end users and providing a metered service at multiple granularities for a specified quality of service. Gartner defines cloud computing as â€Å"a style of computing where massively scalable IT-related capabilities are provided ‘as a service’ using Internet technologies to multiple external customers†. While Forrester says â€Å"Cloud computing is a new IT outsourcing model that doesn’t yet meet the criteria of enterprise IT and isn’t supported by most of the key corporate vendors. It’s wildly popular with startups, exactly fits the way small businesses like to buy things, and has the potential to completely upend IT as we know it.†From 1984 to 2008 the number of internet connected devices went from one thousand to one billion. Can the data deluge which the digital world is facing in this exponential time be effectively managed using cloudThe redundant data which resides on multiple devices might get consolidated and a single point of data source somewhere in cloud could be a solution (The Economist, 2009). On the one hand, cloud looks into exploiting existing technology; there is nothing new as it uses the established processes, concepts and approaches. On the other hand it is new because it has revolutionised the way we host and cater the service to the customer. The famous Gartner hype curve has been hailing Cloud Computing as the most hyped technology in their last two years projections. Disillusionment and frustration towards the technology has been increasing, especially with the theories on productivity paradox from Solow (1987). Disruptive Innovation is a term coined by Proffessor Clayton Christensen, and according to him it is â€Å"the process by which a product or service takes root initially in simple applications at the bottom of a market and then relentlessly moves ‘up market’, eventually displacing established competitors.†A disruptive technology can come to dominate an existing market by either filling a role in a new market that the older technology could not fill (this is similar to the what the cheaper, lower capacity but smaller-sized flash memory is doing for personal data storage in the 2000s) or by successively moving up-market through performance improvements until finally displacing the market incumbents (as digital photography has largely replaced film photography) (Christensen 1997). In the following sections I will go through the potential strategic benefits that firms have derived out of cloud computing and later on the typical challenges and problems involved in the implementation. I will also cite the role of cloud computing technology in the emerging markets and start-ups especially in the small and medium scale enterprises in giving a competitive advantage over the traditional methods. Technologies used within Cloud computing The general classification of the cloud computing forms are IAAS (Infrastructure as a Service), PAAS(Platform as a Service), and SAAS(Software as a Service). ‘Cloud Infrastructure as a Service,’ which is also called Resource Clouds, provides the infrastructure resources as services to the end user. Virtualization of the server is the main technology used in this service by the providers. Cloud providers in this domain cater access to storage and data of various size and quality adhering to certain service level agreement. Examples: Amazon S3, SQL Azure ‘Cloud Platform as a Service’ (PAAS) provide computational resources via a platform upon which applications and services can be developed and hosted. PAAS makes use of application platform interfaces to control and manage the virtual server which would be allocated to the user. Examples:, Google App Engine, Windows Azure (Platform). (Clouds) Software as a Service (SAAS), also known as Service or Application Clouds offers the implementation of specific business functions and business processes which are provided with specific cloud capabilities, i.e. they provide applications/services using a cloud infrastructure or platform, rather than providing them with cloud features. These applications generally reside over other cloud technologies like IAAS and PAAS. Examples: Google Docs, Salesforce CRM, SAP Business by Design. National Institute of Standards and Technology, the authority towards getting technical guidance and promoting standards onto cloud computing, proposes four types of deployment methods. These are: Public cloud, Private cloud, Community Cloud and Hybrid cloud (NIST). Public clouds or external clouds are the traditional web based services given over internet and billed as per the usage and metered for the services consumed. These sorts of clouds are the favorite amongst the start-ups and small/medium scale enterprises since it require minimum investment in the infrastructure. Private clouds or internal clouds are designed and implemented internally to some organization with limited or no access to the external web. These clouds are supposed to be focused on data security, reliability and governance. Usually only the big corporations can afford to build and maintain such private clouds. The small/medium scale enterprises generally will not be able to bear the cost of technology and recourses to build them. Hybrid clouds, as the term describes, is made up of internal and external cloud components where in limited access to the external users are given while the data security and corporate governance features of private clouds are retained. According to Willcocks (2004) maintenance budget crosses 40% of the total IT budget and it is usually overlooked during the initial phases of the development of IT system. Since the maintenance and providing the regular backup of the data are wholly the responsibilities of the cloud provider, the client firms can focus on their core capabilities and business area. Cloud based applications can be considered to be centralised within organizational structure due to the consolidated servers and data, but it can also be viewed as a highly decentralised system because of its agility and flexibility on the location and usability (Mintzberg, 1983). The degree of collaboration has grown considerably among the developers and users with the advent of cloud applications which are mainly web based. The developers can deploy and configure the virtual infrastructure platforms for their applications with a few mouse clicks, which displays the transformation from encounter to a relationship through constant interaction. The idea of running the applications anywhere in the ‘cloud’ not knowing or care to know where they are is not a concern to the web application users since the concept of website does exactly the same. But the big difference is for the application developers and IT operations team. Since these processes have been simplified and more middle layers have been introduced, even they can develop, run applications and grow the capacity instantly without being concerned about the location underlying infrastructure. Impact of Cloud computing on the SMBs and Start ups Cloud computing has turned to be an enabler to the start-ups and small/medium scale enterprises. This new paradigm in information technology has helped entrepreneurs to set up the business and enterprises in a faster manner and grow quickly. The level of collaboration between the enterprises has also increased considerably when compared to the traditional methods. The level of transparency in the utilization of the information technology resources in the cloud computing paradigm is comparatively higher than other models. The ‘charge back’ and ‘show back’ concepts are effective in comparing the outputs to the resources consumed. From an end-user perspective, there are two main features which creates substantial impact on the cloud provider and user: Self provisioning and usage Metered and control over usage As mentioned above in IAAS and PAAS, users can plug and play with the resources as in the requirement arises and release the unwanted resources to be used by others when the demand goes down. At the same time users have the ability to monitor and meter the amount of resources consumed at point of time and plan for future based on the business outcomes. The idle time of the resources can be significantly reduced with this information being available to the user at a click away distance any time. I will be describing the competitive advantage that a small start up got by adopting cloud based technology and how they were able to grow to be the market leaders in short time. The collective buying market was very immature around one year back in theUKand new entrants were struggling to establish themselves in this competitive environment. Mycitydeal was competing with a bunch of new start ups and those who had already established in certain locations. The online presence of Mycitydeal was primarily the website, which used to advertise the daily deals that they get from their sales team and the online ecommerce portal which would take orders and subscriptions. The firm did not invest much on the infrastructure for setting up the servers, databases and related services. I had the opportunity to interview the Salesforce manager at the firm. Also numerous stories of competitive advantage derived due to the adoption of cloud based CRM are listed in Salesforce case study on startups (2010). The customer relationships were handled through is a cloud based service provider which falls under the category of Software as a Service. The company had to pay only for the user’s licenses they purchased and used. Usually 40% of the software products purchased in the traditional companies are kept unused and termed as shelf-wares. The firm could be certain that they have not invested in any information technology product or services that they are not using at that moment of time, and thereby saving on the capital cost. The fluctuating users and customers were an obstacle for the management to tackle initially until they got their servers from The cloud service provider caters servers to the customers and server space based on demand. This service falls under the cloud portfolio of Platform as a Service. Through this service provider, server space can be scaled to terabytes of data space within short period of time, which would have taken a big project to install and maintain such servers in the traditional way. The elasticity of these services is pivotal in the successful adoption within a firm. As the demand goes down during the off-peak season, servers can be cut down and freed back to the pool of the service provider. This gives more control over the operational expenditure of the clients. Procurement of the new hardware and computational power is no-longer the responsibility of the client; the metered services from the vendor would take care of them. All these cloud service providers give the ability to monitor the services we consume and, thereby, enable us to plan for the future projections. The statistics that can be derived out the usage patterns from the historical usage data is another added value from the cloud which the traditional method would cost extra. Business strategies can be derived out of these statistical reports which would directly reflect market response and acceptance of the product/service by the end user. All these features of the cloud services helped Mycitydeal to concentrate on their core capability of collective buying business knowledge. The whole of the IT infrastructure could be managed by an average information technology literate employee and did not have to recruit many technically skilled costly employees. From the vendor perspective, they need to reserve very few resources since they will be servicing multiple clients being catered from the same server database. These advantages paid off Mycitydeal eventually by growing into theUK’s leading collective buying firm, having a customer base of one million within six months of their launch. The quick reactive decision making capability which is given by cloud technology makes it unique unlike the traditional decision making methodologies which are of proactive nature While industry has been in all praise to this new technology paradigm, there have been criticisms from different corners on the data protection, security and performance predictability. Even though transparency is assured in every minute detail, cloud demands a considerable trust between the service providers and end users. While it has become obvious that the cloud computing technology is a disruptive innovation in nature, it has to pass the test of time to prove it is a sustaining technology. Discussions and Recommendations According to Nicholas Carr, IT has started to become less prominent and mattered less to the competitive edge. History reveals that IT needs to become ordinary:â€Å"[it] needs to lose its strategic importance as a differentiator among the companies so as to fulfill its potential†(Carr 2004). From the vendors perspective, cloud computing has proved to be disruptive in nature and a substitute for the own-hosted hardware infrastructure. This has posed a serious threat to the established firms who were market leaders in the traditional server business. These players are increasingly getting into cloud domain and have started to provide cloud services to the customers. The entry of Amazon, Rackspace, IBM, HP and the latest Oracle announcing its incoming into cloud domain depicts the relevance of cloud and the business opportunities it is offering to the service providers (, 2009). IDC forecast for cloud related market is estimated to be $11 Billion by 2014 which shows the focus and resources the cloud service providers have invested. Conclusion The concept of application being run anywhere in the cloud and not concerned about the infrastructure is not new to many of the application developers and software engineers. But for the entrepreneurs, the cloud computing paradigm has given the same opportunity and capability so that they can concentrate on their core capabilities and use information technology as an enabler to achieve their business goal. It is time which will prove the sustainability of the cloud computing and related services. Also, it has been proved beyond debate that this disruptive innovation is capable of giving the startup and small/medium scale enterprises a competitive advantage in the business against the traditional methodologies. However, it is up to the researchers and practitioners to find and decide if cloud computing can be used as an innovate medium in other disciplines and practices. Reference Brynjolfsson, E., P. Hofmann, et al., (2010), â€Å"Cloud Computing and Electricity: Beyond the Utility Model,†Communications of the ACM, 53(5): 32-34. Carr, N. G., (2004), Does IT matter: information technology and the corrosion of competitive advantage,Boston, Harvard Business School Press. Christensen, C. M., (1997), The innovator’s dilemma : when new technologies cause great firms to fail,Boston,Mass., Harvard Business School Press. Bernard, Golden. (2009).Cloud Computing: What Clayton Christensen Can Teach Us Forrester, (2008), â€Å"Is Cloud Computing Ready For The Enterprise?† Gartner,(2010), â€Å"Press Releases.† NIST (2010) Gartner (2009) Press Release: Sales force case study on startups Willcocks, L. P., (2004), â€Å"Offshore, onshore: are you sure?†Information economics journal 1(3) How to cite Essay on The Impact of Cloud Computing, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Black Supremacy Essay Research Paper Black SupremacyThroughout free essay sample
Black Supremacy Essay, Research Paper Black Supremacy Throughout history, white Anglo-Saxons have been ill-famed for maltreating all races other than it # 8217 ; s ain. Malcolm X felt # 8220 ; the white adult male had been really nil but a piratical self-seeker who used Faustian intrigues to do his ain Christianity his initial cuneus in condemnable conquerings # 8221 ; ( 563 ) . The Earth is burdened by the white adult male! That is the true significance of what Malcolm Ten is saying ; the words Faustian intrigues, intending evil plotting, implies the whole white population is out for the blood of other races. Many members of the black race are following the thought of Afrocentricity ; some call it black pride, I name it black domination. Afrocentricists are back uping their thoughts with faith and the demand for release. The release of the black adult male is needed! Molefi Asante describes # 8220 ; the Afrocentric consciousness [ as ] the entire committedness to African release anyplace any everyplace by a consistent determined attempt to mend any psychic, economic, physical, or cultural harm done to Africans # 8221 ; ( 50 ) . Liberation from what # 8230 ; the white race? Molefi # 8217 ; s statement is wholly farcical ; the first transcript of his book with this statement was printed in 1988, in my sentiment inkinesss were reasonably liberated in 1988. Now the 2nd portion of his statement, mend what harm? Any psychic harm which has been thrust upon the black race has non occurred for rather some clip: bondage # 8230 ; non in my life-time nor separate bathrooms were in my life-time. And I am non about to experience regretful about what happened before my clip. Economic harm is non the white adult male # 8217 ; s mistake either. In this twenty-four hours anyone can make whatever he/she likes. The truth to the economic affair is that many of the # 8220 ; oppressed # 8221 ; races feel they now deserve a free drive. Absolutely no physical harm has occurred in my life-time. Equally for as cultural harm, civilizations evolve, they do non acquire damaged. Clearly all release of the black adult male has already occurred, hence, there is cognize farther demand for reimbursement. The white race is evil! Further, the Afrocentric cause efforts to utilize faith to denounce the white race as pagans ; harmonizing the Yakub myth, # 8220 ; the coloring material black # 8230 ; is the cardinal coloring material ; other colorss, accordingly, are simply sunglassess of black, except for white, which is the absence of black, therefore the absence of flawlessness # 8221 ; ( Davies 151 ) . The statement declares the white race to be inferior ; why should any one race be inferior? Oh yeah, it # 8217 ; s to acquire back at the white race for all the old ages of adversity. The black race was called heathens for many old ages, and the black supremists merely believe what goes about comes about. However, the truth to the affair is that all races are every bit progressive as the following statement will demo. The Afrocentric faith goes on to province how the white race was formed, seemingly, a # 8220 ; black scientist named Yakub rebelled against Allah by bring forthing # 8230 ; a new animal with an surplus of bad ( white ) cistrons # 8230 ; These evil animals were alloted # 8230 ; six thousand old ages of regulation ( i.e. , until about the present twenty-four hours ) , after which # 8230 ; the laden inkinesss will be liberated from their bondage # 8221 ; ( Davies 51 ) . Note the usage of words in this transition: new animal, bad ( white ) cistrons, evil animal, and one time once more the reoccurring laden inkinesss will be liberated. All the words directs one # 8217 ; s attending to the thought that the white race is nil more than Satans rolling the Earth in hunt of it # 8217 ; s following quarry. The black supremists are doing the same statements that the early Whites made and are being reprimanded for. It seems this is a spot of a contradiction. Down with the white race! Feelingss towards the white race are made apparent when # 8220 ; Elijah [ Muhammad ] felt that immorality was built-in in the white race, and preached that the Whites could non assist themselves, # 8221 ; Molifi Asante adds # 8220 ; we know now, of class, that the status of immorality in Whites is non built-in, but inherited through history and environment # 8221 ; ( 15 ) . The quotation mark is qu ite harsh ; straight stating that the white race is evil # 8230 ; no, non moving immorality, is evil and will go on to remain this manner. These words imply the demand for obliteration because immorality is merely the Satan spelled without a # 8220 ; d # 8221 ; . One must stand against the Satan before anything drastic occurs beyond what has already happened, for case ; # 8220 ; an effusion of homosexualism among black work forces, fed by the prison genteelness system, threatens to falsify the relationship between friends # 8230 ; these homosexuals live in the pretend universe of white homosexuals # 8221 ; ( Asante 57 ) . The white race has already begun to pervert the black race, harmonizing to black supremists, with the debut of homosexualism, which is clearly a bad white wont. The word, # 8220 ; threatens # 8221 ; , leads one to the thought of defence against these evil, plotting, homosexual, Satans. Paraphrasing what was earlier said, the white race will discontinue to govern after six thousand old ages of regulation, puting all inkinesss free from the subjugation of the Satans ( Davies 51 ) . That clip is now and the black supremists want another holocaust, with the white race agony. The black supremists feel it is their bend to govern. Violence is the lone manner to halt the white race! During a address Malcolm X declared, # 8220 ; Twenty million ex-slaves must be for good separated from our former slavemaster and placed on some land we can name our ain. Then we can make our ain occupations. Control our ain economic system. Solve our ain jobs alternatively of waiting on the American white adult male to work out our jobs for us # 8221 ; ( Perry 68-69 ) . Clearly, in 1963, Malcolm X feels full segregation is in the best involvement of the black race. The quotation mark appears reasonably peaceable, nevertheless, two old ages subsequently, Malcolm X changes his head about peaceable action: # 8220 ; We # 8217 ; rhenium for peace. But the people that we # 8217 ; re up against are for force. You can # 8217 ; t be peaceable you # 8217 ; rhenium covering with them # 8221 ; ( Perry 159 ) . A non-peaceful attack to foster the black cause is being proposed by Malcolm Little ( his more appropriate birth name, seeing how a # 8220 ; small # 8221 ; adult male resorts to force ) . Eldridge Cleaver, leader of the Black Panther # 8217 ; s, excessively felt force is the best attack ; # 8220 ; I became a raper # 8230 ; It delighted me that I was withstanding and treading upon the white adult male # 8217 ; s jurisprudence, # 8230 ; that I was sullying his adult females # 8230 ; I was acquiring retaliation # 8221 ; ( 14 ) . This about says it, he was seting a notch in the caput board, winning one for the male childs. Eldridge Cleaver has, in my sentiment, nescient, barbarian radical thoughts. He merely wants retaliation for the fact he was in gaol. Cleaver reveals that # 8220 ; Rather than owing and paying a debt to society, Negro captives feel that they are being abused, that their imprisonment is merely another signifier of the subjugation which they have cognize all their lives # 8221 ; ( 58 ) . The Black Supremists want retaliation. Black supremists want nil less than for the black race to govern the universe. They shall utilize thoughts of faith to endorse up their claims upon the universe and name it the release of their people. But the truth of the affair is the tides are turning. How can it be called release? The white race had these thoughts 100 # 8217 ; s of old ages ago and the black supremists called it evil. Now they have the same evil thoughts and are naming it release. No, the human race will neer learn from history ; we will merely reiterate it. The chief inquiry is will their of all time be racial harmoniousness in the universe? I merely wear # 8217 ; T know. # 8220 ; We shall hold our manhood. We shall hold it or the Earth will be leveled by our efforts to derive it. # 8221 ; # 8211 ; Eldridge Cleaver Plants Cited Asante, Molefi. Afrocentricity. Capital of new jersey: Africa WP, 1992. Cleaver, Eldridge. Soul on Ice. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968. Davies, Alan. Infected Christian religion: A Study of Modern Racism. Montreal: Mcgill-Queen # 8217 ; s UP, 1988. Perry, Bruce, erectile dysfunction. Malcolm Ten: The Last Speeches. New York: Scout, 1989. Ten, Malcolm. # 8220 ; Learning to Read. # 8221 ; rpt. in Rereading America. erectile dysfunction. Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle. Boston: Bedford Books, 1992.
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